Revisión de "MOLDE REY 21003 Tantive IV CR90 Corellian Corvette Bloques de Construcción de Juguete Set"

MOLDE REY 21003 Tantive IV CR90 Corellian Corvette Bloques de Construcción de Juguete Set

condicion: NUEVO Embalaje: caja original al por menor (opcional) Especificación: Compatible con otras marcas.


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I have received another item cheaper than the one I paid for.

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I have not received my order correctly. I have received another reference different from the one I paid for. I have received a Volkswagen car and I have bought a Star Wars tantive ship. I have written several comments and sent an email to customer service and have not received a response. I've been waiting for a month to receive a response.




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